© Children of Medjugorje 2023
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Medjugorje, September12, 2023
Holy Name of Mary
Dear friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!
1. On August 25, 2023, the visionary Marija received the following monthly message:
“Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. May your hearts, little children, be raised in prayer towards heaven, so that your heart may feel the God of love who heals you and loves you with immeasurable love. That is why I am with you, to lead you on the way of conversion of heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.” |
2. Spotlight on the Angels! Many people do not receive the special favors God bestows through His Angels. What a pity! I hope that the facts about the Angels shared here will help many to welcome these powerful friends into their lives!
At the beginning of the Apparitions, Our Lady asked the members of the prayer group to make friends with their guardian angels and write them a letter. They were very surprised and did not really know what to write to them! But they did their best, and the next day they all placed their letter at the feet of the Blessed Mother during the apparition. A beautiful relationship then emerged between these young people and their guardian angels. They were able to touch and feel the living and effective presence of their angels and they entered a true intimacy with them.
An unrealistic desire! Sometime later, four friends from Medjugorje went to Germany. When they examined the return route, they realized that by making a detour of almost five hours, they could reach Verona and visit a priest that one of them knew, a priest who touched hearts with his extraordinary example of holiness: Father Luigi Bosio, now a Venerable and in the process of Beatification. Among other things, he had the gift of seeing peoples’ souls and knowing the sins of those who went to confession to him. But he was old and sick: he no longer answered the phone and he had not received visitors for several months. It was impossible to reach him and warn him of their visit! In addition, he lived in an apartment adjoining the cathedral of Verona and, to access it, one had to first go through a private gate, then through a second entrance door, which was usually locked. My friends were traveling on a Sunday, and so they knew that there would be no one to open all these doors for them! With these three major hurdles to overcome, the project was unrealistic! |
When we don’t have a phone, let’s turn to the angels! Their desire to see this priest, however, was too strong, and our friends were not discouraged. They decided to put their guardian angels to work! Their first mission was to speak to the heart of Father Bosio and ask him if they could come and visit. They waited for their angels to bring back the answer in their hearts. After a few minutes of prayer, they were all overcome with deep joy, so much so that they hit the road to Verona. Then, every half hour, they stopped to ask their guardian angels to inform Father Bosio of their arrival, and especially to give them the opportunity to enter his apartment.
An appointment prepared in Heaven! When they finally arrived at the Cathedral of Verona, they found the first gate was wide open, so they drove in, and parked their car. Then they saw that the front door of the building was also wide open! How encouraging! Finally, when they began to climb the stairs leading to Father Bosio’s apartment, they heard a voice coming from the 4th floor: “Here you are at last! You who sent me your guardian angels every half an hour! Come in! I will give you a blessing! “
Yes, Father Bosio was waiting for them on the last step of the stairs!
Our friends were overwhelmed and will never forget this blessing! |
3. The visionaries of Medjugorje tell us that when the Blessed Mother appears to them, she is often accompanied by angels, especially on the days of great feasts such as Christmas, Easter, the Assumption and All Saints’ Day. She comes with 3 angels, sometimes 5 or more. On occasion, she is surrounded by a multitude of angels! Sometimes, Mount Križevac is covered with angels. When the Queen of Angels moves around, isn’t it normal for her to be accompanied by her escort!
I asked Vicka to describe the angels she sees around the Mother of God. But having her eyes fixed on Mary, she only sees them on the sides. They look like little children, she told me. They all have their eyes fixed on their Queen, the Queen of Angels. They are absolutely fascinated by her. I was very moved to learn that. Angels admire their Queen continuously. According to Vicka, the Angels share her feelings and imitate everything she does. If Mary is delivering a happy message, the angels share in her joy and show it. The longer the apparition, the happier they are. Sometimes they are so enthusiastic that they become noisy! When, on the contrary, Mary expresses her sadness – for example when she finds us with a hard and closed heart – then they feel her emotion and express deep sadness. They are in complete harmony with her: the angels have an admirable devotion to the Mother of God, their Queen. |
4. The presence of angels is not new, nor specific to Medjugorje. The reality of their existence is deeply rooted in the Bible: they accompany God’s people throughout its history. Among many examples, let us quote the passage from Exodus (Ex 23:20-23): “See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you. Pay close attention to him, and obey his instructions. Do not rebel against him, for he is my representative, and he will not forgive your rebellion. But if you are careful to obey him, following all my instructions, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and I will oppose those who oppose you. For my angel will go before you.”
They are present in the history of humanity and in the history of all creation. The intervention of angels in the Bible is constant. (PS1).
From the moment a child is conceived, God places an angel at his side. One of the angel’s main tasks is to help his protégé walk in God’s ways and not deviate from them. He supports us in our spiritual battles against the Adversary and the fallen angels. Personally, I have often experienced the protection of my guardian angel, and if I am still alive on earth today, it is largely thanks to him. The more we pray to them, the more effective they become. Often, I meet parents who are sorry to see their child going down the wrong path and they complain that the child is not listening to them. But everything would change if they prayed to their guardian angels: their own and that of their child! They can send their guardian angel to the child to speak directly to his heart and inspire him with grace filled thoughts. They can also pray to the child’s angel to help him open his heart to God. Doing this every day is an act of faith and love that bears much fruit!
For an appointment that might be difficult, we can send our guardian angel ahead of us to prepare the person concerned and enable a peaceful dialogue. |
A piece of advice from Don Dolindo Ruotolo: “It is good to pray the Rosary together with others. But if we have no one to pray with, invite our Guardian Angel to pray with us!”
It would be too long to mention here all the services and wonders that the holy angels have performed in the history of salvation, as well as in our own. And we don’t yet know how much they can accomplish for us! To conclude, I invite everyone to write a friendly note to their Guardian Angel. Let’s not wait for October 2nd, the day of the Feast of the Guardian Angels! Let us place this letter in front of our statue of Mary or our icon. And then, for 9 days or more, thank our angel for his presence at our side (we must always start praying with a thanksgiving!) and beg him to intervene powerfully in this or that matter that concerns us. (PS2). The Guardian Angel on his own is very strong through the Power of God and can rout demons. Why should we live below our means? |
5. Catholic therapist. Have you or someone you know been thinking that you may benefit from seeing a counsellor/ therapist? A lady who spent nearly 2 years with me in Medjugorje, and who fully embraced Our Lady’s school, is a qualified therapist. If you would like to speak to someone about any issues that are happening in your life, safe in the knowledge that you can bring your faith into the therapy, then please send an email to ann-mariecounsellor@outlook.com and request a free consultation. (Counselling is offered online via Zoom). |
6. Don’t miss our videos: |
Dearest Gospa, with the 9 choirs of Angels and the myriad of blessed spirits that unceasingly adore the face of God, we acclaim you and we exult with joy! Help us make friends with your friends!
Sister Emmanuel + (Community of the Beatitudes)
Translated from French
PS1. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church (a book to have in your home and to consult often!), you will find all the foundations of our Catholic faith. There is no confusion, everything is clear! Paragraph 328 speaks of Angels: “The existence of spiritual, non-corporeal beings, which Sacred Scripture usually calls angels, is a truth in faith. The witness of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition.”
PS 2. Some simple prayers to my Guardian Angel
“Angel of God, my Guardian, watch over me at all times. At night, during the day, in the evening and morning. Be my support all my life. Keep me from all evil and guide me to eternal life. Amen.”
“Lord, in your mysterious Providence, you send the angels to guard us; deign to answer our prayers by assuring us of the benefit of their protection and the joy of living in their company forever. Through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.”
“Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen!”
PS3. Two days of great blessings: On September 29th, we will celebrate the 3 Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Then on October 2nd, we will celebrate the Guardian Angels. |
PS7. “Jesus today”. Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to “Jesus today”.
https://www.mariedenazareth.com/en/our-activities/ |