© Children of Medjugorje 2024
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Dear Friends, praised be Jesus and Mary!
1. On April 25th, 2024, visionary Marija received the following monthly message:
“Dear children! I am with you to tell you that I love you and to encourage you to prayer; because Satan is strong and every day his strength is stronger through those who have chosen death and hatred. You, little children, be prayer and my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God. Thank you for having responded to my call.” |
2. Here is the story of an elderly woman, who lived alone in the mountains, in very precarious living conditions. She had never experienced the basic comforts we have today, and she had become used to not having them. She always used candles for lighting. Her son worked far away and rarely came to visit her. One day, however, seeing how destitute his mother was, he decided to give her a gift: he arranged for electricity to be installed in her humble home. He rejoiced at the thought that this would transform his mother’s daily life.
He came back to see her a few weeks later, and asked, “So, Mom, I bet you’re glad you have electricity, it’s life-changing, isn’t it?” “Oh yes, my son”, she replied happily. “Now, when the night falls, I can see better to light my candles!”
The son put his head in his hands, feeling discouraged…. |
However, this simple story is not so far-fetched for us! What have we done with the Holy Spirit? Why do we live below our means, in the thick darkness of the mind that has gripped the world, when the Spirit of Light and Truth is given to us freely? Our Heavenly Father kept his promise, he sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles on the day of Pentecost, and this same Spirit is offered to us all, in its fullness. Why, in so many baptized people, does the Holy Spirit lie dormant in them, unable to move forward and act? |
We cannot imagine the good he dreams to do, if we just let him become active in our lives, and decide to live under his leadership! He is the Fire of Love! He is our Defender, our Comforter, our Sanctifier, our Liberator, our Strength, our Peace, our Illuminator… He is a communion of love – the source of the greatest happiness. We are all stamped with his seal, we carry his imprint deep within us, indelible, because we are created in the image of God. But the Spirit’s action does not stop there: with our help, he makes us like Christ, the source of our joy, because man aspires to happiness and happiness is to be entirely with Christ. Therefore, we can say that the Holy Spirit responds to everything that man aspires to in the depths of his heart. With him, spiritual limitation to small candles is over! “The aim of the Christian life,” said Saint Seraphim of Sarov, “consists in the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.” and also: “Acquire the Spirit of Peace, and thousands around you will find peace. “(PS1) |
How miserable is it then, when out of habit or ignorance, we focus our desires on what does not fulfill us. The disciples of Ephesus said to Saint Paul: “We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit”! (Acts 19: 1-8). But as soon as they understood that He existed, they wanted to receive Him, and they were immediately filled with such fire that they began to bear powerful witness to Christ. Of course, not everyone can have a Saint Paul to lay hands on them, but in the tabernacle, isn’t the living Jesus much more powerful than Saint Paul? He is waiting for us there with great gifts…
Jesus himself made this moving confession to Venerable Marthe Robin: “If all Christians lived their faith well, the world would be converted in a single year!” |
3. A great way to draw the Holy Spirit into us, is to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Bride of the Holy Spirit, and to love her. |
To venerate her in this month of May, the month of Mary, let us unite our voices to that of Adam of Perseigne, who prayed to her as follows:
“O Virgin, you are the basket of Moses, the receptacle of the Word, the cellar of new wine that intoxicates the sobriety of believers, you are the hand of God, the end of sin, thanks to which humanity emerges from the abyss of vices and reaches the delight of the Angels.”
The Blessed Virgin Mary obtains the Holy Spirit for us so that we can be purified and have within us the Heart of Christ. We thus gradually receive within us those same dispositions that Jesus described to us in the Beatitudes.
4. In her messages, the Blessed Mother recommended that we work every day on a specific defect. In this way, fighting against a given defect or sin day after day, we move forward with her towards the Kingdom with a purified heart. Keeping in mind an episode in the life of Little Thérèse of Lisieux, let us examine one of our bad tendencies today… |
In her book, The Story of a Soul, St. Thérèse recounts that one day, in her Carmelite convent, the sisters were outdoors for recreation, when a delivery man rang the doorbell. It was therefore necessary to open the gate so that he could bring the Christmas trees into the courtyard. Thérèse eagerly began to untie her apron to go and open the gate, when she realized that another sister only too happy to seize this opportunity, was also preparing to run there. Therese then started to untie her apron very slowly, on purpose. Out of charity, she wanted to please her sister and allow her to be the first to open it. At that point, one of the sisters who was watching them, made this remark to Thérèse, laughing: “Ah! I just knew that you weren’t the one to win a pearl for your crown, you were moving too slowly!” Therese remained silent, but she realized that one could never judge the intentions of the heart. Judging the intentions of the heart means to be mistaken! It means putting oneself in the place of God, who alone searches the mind and tries the heart. |
O Jesus, please, help us live Your Word in the Gospel, because we want to learn from You how to love as You love….
“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” (Luke 6:37-38)
5. Before her conversion, Gloria Polo was a tough critic. She did not shy away from criticizing, judging, despising, and she did a great deal of harm to many people. After she had said some contemptuous and nasty words to a young girl, she committed suicide. But one day, Gloria was struck down by lightning and experienced the Personal Judgment that awaits us all after death… (One may find her testimony in the media at Gloria Polo). (PS2)
After escaping hell by a whisker, she saw Jesus who entrusted her with a mission. This led to her changing her life completely. Having acted like a first-class menace for years, we can now see that the Holy Spirit is emanating from her in an impressive way. I have met her twice. She carries within her the heart of Jesus, to the point where she often feels what He himself is feeling, both in pain and in joy. One fact must be emphasized: If, during a meal to which she is invited, someone starts criticizing and judging a neighbor, she feels such pain in her heart that she simply- leaves the table! |
6. She uttered a cry of horror! Venerable Marthe Robin was very sensitive to divisions, to criticism and to anything that could rupture communion between people (PS3). One day, a sister from my community went to see her, saddened by the fact that a friend of hers was treating her autistic child with contempt, both in word and in deed. This poor boy was suffering a lot. Hearing this, Marthe let out a cry of horror! It was Jesus who was crying out within her. Marthe indeed said that these people who were plunged into lifelong suffering, are “co-redeemers”. That is to say that their sufferings, united with those of Christ, bear abundant fruits for the salvation of many souls. Starting with their own families who despise them… |
7. Don’t miss our videos: |
Dearest Gospa, though the world may have chosen hatred and death, we want to choose life and firmly hold on to your motherly hand. We are so fragile! Together with you, our eyes fixed on your Son Jesus, we want to walk courageously towards the Father’s House. By taking your hand, we are sure to live in His Love. We then hope that by looking at our souls, our Heavenly Father will find only love there!
Sister Emmanuel, Community of the Beatitudes
Translated from French
PS1. Saint Seraphim of Sarov, one of the greatest Russian saints (1754-1833), is known to have experienced a grace of Transfiguration before a young man, Nikolay Motovilov, who asked him who the Holy Spirit was.
PS2. A dentist in Bogota, Gloria Polo had an exceptional experience of clinical death and return to life. Her heartbreaking testimony has the effect of changing hearts!
PS3. Marthe Robin (1902-1981), a simple peasant from France, experienced the Passion of Christ every week. She was bedridden in her small farm for 50 years. She could see souls. She helped and rescued thousands of people who came to visit her.
PS4. The Youth Festival will take place on August 1 to 6. Book your pilgrimage now! |
PS 5. Pope Benedict XVI, before his resignation, gave a number of interviews to the journalist Peter Seewald in which he was asked many forthright questions about the greatest issues facing the world today. His answers to these questions provide clear Catholic doctrine, which is so badly needed in these times.
The book, ‘Light of The World: A Conversation with Peter Seewald’ documents these interviews: Click HERE |
There is another wonderful book out called “Who Believes Is Not Alone: My Life Beside Benedict XVI” which gives us an insight into who Pope Benedict was, and how he was so misunderstood by many people. Click HERE |
PS6. Good news about my CDS! Many of my CDs are now available for you to listen to free of charge on my website, www.sremmanuel.org
The Amazing Secret of Purgatory part 1 &2; Maryam of Bethlehem Part 1 Part 2; Make Friends with Your Angel; In Medjugorje, he told me the secret; Fasting Door to God’s Power; Adoration; Prayer Obtains everything ; Stressed? Oppressed? Bless!; Mother, Who Are You?; How Wonderfully You Made Me!; Choose Your Future; Touch Your Heavenly Mother; The Incredible Mercy of God; When Death Separates Us From Those We Love; The Miracle of the Rosay: The Joyful Mysteries; Take Baby Jesus Home; The Most Beautiful Mass of My Life; True Consecration to Mary; The Divine Mercy Chaplet Part 1; The Divine Mercy Chaplet Part 2
Just click on ‘videos’. Here is the link to them: https://sremmanuel.org/video/
PS7. Good news for our Polish readers! My book on Maryam of Bethlehem is now available in Polish. Here is where you can buy it:
Click HERE
Click HERE |
PS11. “Jesus today”. Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to “Jesus today”.
https://www.mariedenazareth.com/en/our-activities/ |