© Children of Medjugorje 2023
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Medjugorje, June 19, 2023
Dear Friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!
1. On May 25th, 2023, visionary Marija received the following monthly message:
“Dear children! I am calling you to go into nature and to pray for the Most High to speak to your heart and that you may feel the power of the Holy Spirit so as to witness the love which God has for every creature. I am with you and intercede for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” |
2. Prophecies questioned! Because of the insecurity that is being felt everywhere these days, many people are looking for inspired words. And yet, Jesus warned us, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matt 7:15-26) And so, it is good to turn to those where we can see their holiness shining out in their personal life and by their charity. Some are beatified or have been canonized. Let us opt for safety to avoid falling into subtle snares by those who spread false prophesies. Faced with this search which is often filled with anguish, Mary invites us not to lose sight of the purpose of our life on earth, namely our salvation in her Son Jesus, to reach Heaven! When traveling, if you know your destination, you feel better prepared to overcome the obstacles and other trials scattered along the path.
Here are a few points that corroborate the Gospel, through the voice of Mary and some Saints …
At Fatima, Mary said to the little shepherds: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” At the end of what? She did not say, but one thing is obvious: you don’t triumph over peace. Therefore, it is clear that this triumph will be preceded by a difficult time, and we are already there! This difficult time will not last, thank God, it is a kind of interlude before this “New Time” of which Mary speaks about in her messages. |
Venerable Marthe Robin (1902-1981) stated that God is preparing for the world a New Pentecost of love. But before that, the world will fall to a very low point, especially France…
At Medjugorje, visionary Vicka clearly states that “Our Lady will carry out her plan!” “Anything that does not come from God will disappear.” She also adds that “the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is very close.” Vicka is the seer to whom Our Lady revealed her life on earth. She wrote it down in 2 notebooks that will be published as soon as the Blessed Mother gives her the green light. |
Blessed Anna Maria Taïgi, (1769-1837) had an extraordinary gift of prophecy. She stated the following: “A great purification will come upon the world as a result of an illumination of conscience in which everyone will see their soul as God sees it.” “Christianity will spread throughout the world.” “Whole nations will return to the Church, and the face of the earth will be renewed.” (PS1)
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), on December 30th, 1819, received the vision of a spiritual battle that culminated in the victory of the Church. God showed her that the Church would be rescued especially by the Archangel St. Michael who would deliver her from terrible tribulations.
This long vision of Blessed Anne Catherine is very encouraging. Here is a link to the complete visions she had: http://annecatherineemmerich.com/complete_visions/category/volume_1_the_old_testament/ |
Don Dolindo Ruotolo (1882 – 1970), called the “Padre Pio of Naples”, repeatedly proved his charism of prophecy, because he saw not only souls, but also certain events to come, especially for the Church. He too saw the future restoration of the Church after a great purification (PS2). Here are some words he received from the Virgin Mary:
“Only great mercy can enable the world to overcome the disaster into which it has fallen. The world has become a field of death, no voice awakens it, unless great mercy lifts it up. What do you think mercy is? It is not only indulgence, but also remedy, medicine, surgery. The first mercy that this poor earth must receive, and the Church first and foremost, must be purification…
“The Church will seem almost abandoned… It will even be necessary for some churches to be closed down! By His power, the Lord will break all the bonds that now bind her to the earth and paralyze her. Then we will see how it was better to rely on Jesus who is the true Life of the Church. All this is mercy and not evil. Jesus wanted to reign by pouring out His Love. He will therefore discard all that is not of Him.”
Don Dolindo is currently restoring inner peace to thousands of people through his writings on surrender to God, and his famous prayer: “Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of it.”
Today, these privileged souls help us raise our gaze to the One who alone can save us, and this is out of love and not by force. Let us also remember that with God, there is no such thing as fate. All prophecy remains imperfect, for God can change His plans by listening to the prayers of His children, as seen in the Bible. |
3. “Watch over your shepherds,” Mary told us on May 2nd, 2013.
Father Robert, an American priest, is no exception to the rule. Like all priests, he knows the harshness of spiritual warfare, and knows from experience that the enemy of mankind would be happy to destroy him and his priesthood. Priests are so precious in God’s plan! That is why we sheep must watch over our shepherds.
Father Robert confided in me what a priest can experience and suffer in exercising his priesthood, and how close a priest can sometimes come to falling. Here is what he said:
“When I was ordained a priest, I made a promise to the Lord, in agreement with my spiritual father. I made a commitment to always have a table between myself and any person who came to me for advice or for something else, in order to protect myself. This promise has not always been easy to keep, but I have kept it, thank God. It saved me!
“One day, a woman came to see me, because she needed to talk about her family problems. As soon as she came, I felt a strong attraction towards her. She would often come to me, seeking the comfort she needed from me. Very quickly, I fell in love with her, but truly in love! I had all the symptoms of a man in love with a woman. She began to inhabit my thoughts, to invade my entire sensitivity, my emotions, etc.
“I could not control that feeling. At every one of her visits, I felt a very strong desire to take her in my arms or even to reveal my feelings. But between us, there was this table… Oh! How I hated this table! How many times did I want to go around it, to upend it! However, the table did not move from its place.
“This torture lasted three years. And then, one day, the woman came as usual and – to my great surprise – when I looked at her, I realized that I no longer felt anything for her. All my feelings of love had left me, it had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared! I couldn’t recognize myself, I did not even see what had attracted me so much to her. What a relief! So I continued to help this parishioner as best I could, but with that wonderful freedom of heart that a brother can have towards just a sister in Christ. I understood then that this feeling of love was a trap that the enemy had set for me to destroy my priesthood. But Jesus’ considerate grace at my ordination inspired me to make this promise to Him – to set up a table. How far was I then from imagining that this table would save my vocation as a priest!”
Father Robert then exercised a special charism for tormented souls. He received the gift of understanding the cause of what was wrong with them and, by the grace of God, uprooting evil through his prayer. How many hearts did he help, how many lives did he save by praying and witnessing God’s mercy? What a loss to so many suffering hearts his fall would have caused! Today, this priest has returned to the Father, filled with the joy of having been able to humbly serve the Church and of having remained a priest in the midst of the waves. Blessed be that table!
If Father Robert ensured his own protection starting from his ordination, we too can place “tables” to protect our priests and avoid situations that could bring them down. Isn’t this a way to watch over them? “Do not touch my anointed ones. Do my prophets no harm.” (Psalm 105:15) ” and again in Chronicles “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.” (1 Chronicles 16:22)
4. Piercings questioned! An Italian priest came to Medjugorje with a group of young people. Seeing that most of them had tattoos and piercings, he spoke to each one privately, and explained to them the dangers of these practices and how God asks His people not to make tattoos or incisions on the body (Leviticus 19:28). However, none of them gave up their piercings. During the night, this priest spent hours in prayer and entrusted all these young people to Our Lady, telling her, “It is up to you to act, I failed!”
The next morning, the group went to the Blue Cross for Mary’s apparition to the visionary, Mirjana. When they came back to their lodgings, there was a surprise in store for the priest: These same young people came to him one by one and gave him their piercings. Not one was missing! He was deeply moved. With a smile, he said to Our Lady: “What I could not do, you did! He put all these piercings in an envelope and left them on Apparition Hill. Our Lady loves flowers very much, but when we offer things to her that are harmful to her children, I believe she rejoices even more! (See PS3)
5. Don’t miss our videos:
7. Do not miss it! There is now an audio version of my monthly reports. May the visually impaired and all those who prefer to listen rather than read rejoice! It can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q8tgTmMD8Y
8. SPOTIFY! A very practical tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
New online catechesis, audio version (it is not necessary to have Spotify).
Dearest Gospa, before celebrating the 42nd Anniversary of your apparitions on June 25th, we would like to ask you something: we want to be part of this little remnant that you have been gathering around you for so many years, with those you call the apostles of your love. Like you and with your help, we choose life, in this world that has chosen death as you said yourself. It is not easy at all! Always be with us, as the Lord is with you! Keep us faithful, in your motherly embrace, until the triumph of your Immaculate Heart!
Sister Emmanuel + (Community of the Beatitudes)
Translated from French
PS1. Blessed Anna Maria Taïgi (1769-1837), A simple mother, with a family that was poor, she worked hard, loved Jesus intensely, and of course her family. At the age of 40, she was blessed with a gift that had no equal in the life of mystics: She could see slightly above her, like a very bright sun. In that sun, she could very clearly read words that were often prophetic, and which she wrote down carefully. These words had to do with people or situations in her day, but also with future events, some even in the distant future. That is how she was able to help 5 consecutive Popes, revealing to them things they needed to know for their pastoral duties. (Many popes were helped by mystics; we have the famous example of Catherine of Siena).
PS 2. See the book “Jesus, you take over, Prayers for Surrender to God’s Will'” by Grazia Ruololo, available at Click HERE
PS3. The tattoos in question…. It would take too long to explain here why tattoos are harmful. But we can only recommend to those who do not have any tattoos to remain that way! And to those who have had some not to add anymore! |
PS5. Youth Festival 2023. PLEASE NOTE! Change of dates for 2023! It will not be at the beginning of August but from July 26th to 30th, to enable participation in the WYD to be held in Lisbon in August. |
PS6. Did you know that the first 7 days of the Apparitions in Medjugorje have been authenticated by the Church. The book, ‘Medjugorje, the first seven days’ details the interviews with the visionaries and the investigations made which the Vatican considered when deciding whether the apparitions should be authenticated. https://www.amazon.com/Medjugorje-first-seven-Darko-Pavicic-ebook/dp/B0B7BW26YH |
PS9. “Jesus today”. Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to “Jesus today”.
https://www.mariedenazareth.com/en/our-activities/ |