© Children of Medjugorje 2025
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Medjugorje, January 18, 2025
Dear friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!
1. On December 25th, 2024, the visionary, Marija, received the following monthly message:
“Dear children, pray, pray, pray that peace may reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and every state of turmoil. Thank you for responding to my call.” (With ecclesiastical approval) |
The visionary Jakov received the following annual message:
“Today, on this day of grace, in a special way I am calling you not to live a life striving for earthly goals and not to seek peace and joy in earthly things, because in this way darkness takes over your life and you do not see the meaning of your life. Little children, open the doors of your hearts to Jesus, permit Him to take over your entire life so that you may begin to live in God’s love and mercy. My children, only with Jesus in your hearts will you come to know the true goal of your life and long for eternal salvation. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing”. (With ecclesiastical approval)
2. Have you received your patron saint for this year? As for our house, Saint Seraphim of Sarov chose us (1754-1833). The greatest Russian Orthodox saint, a perfect fool for Christ,rightly called “the Chosen One of the Virgin Mary”. Famous for an almost unique experience in the history of Christianity: his face became transfigured when a young man, Motovilov, asked him “But who is the Holy Spirit?” (PS1)
Filled with the Divine Light, after years of prayer and asceticism in the desert of Sarov, St. Seraphim became an extraordinary spiritual father. Always open to listening to the Lord and his will, a great lover of the Word of God, he guided many consecrated and lay people on the path of holiness. His spiritual fatherhood, both gentle and demanding, never compromising, is still present in all of Russia today.
The testimony I am going to share here is quite extreme, and should not be seen as an example to follow. Sometimes the great saints receive instructions from the Lord that may astonish or even shock our human sensibility. However, once carried out, what was asked of these saints bears immense fruit, lasting beyond time. That is why they are not afraid of being demanding. This stems from a deep evangelical gentleness.
Elena Manturow was one of the spiritual daughters of St. Seraphim at the convent in Diveyevo, Russia. One day, she asked him to pray for her brother Michael, who was seriously ill, and whom the Starets knew well. “We are in danger of losing him,” she said with great sorrow. Seraphim prayed, and went back to the young sister, filled with a very special inspiration. He had in fact received a light from God…
“Listen to me, my joy! Do you want to do something for your brother?” “Yes, Father Seraphim! What can I do for him?” “Would you agree to die instead of your dying brother?” The younger sister paused for a moment, and then peacefully replied, “Yes, I will die in my brother’s place.” Saint Seraphim was right: The very next day, Sister Elena died, and her brother was healed.
A few days later, Saint Seraphim met his young protégé in one of his divine revelations. She was incredibly beautiful, fulfilled, and radiant in the Heart of Christ, crowned with glory.
Closer to home, some saints have also been inspired to live a heroic charity. These include, for instance, such saints as:
St Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941): he took the place of a father of a family condemned to die of starvation in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Venerable Marthe Robin (1902-1981): when receiving in her room a little blind girl, she asked God to be able to give the girl her eyes, while she herself would remain blind all her life.
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962): suffering from cancer, she preferred to give up her treatment and thus lose her own life, in order to allow the child that she was carrying to be born.
This deeply reminds us of these words from Christ, in the Gospel: “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)
Michael Manturow was a great benefactor with respect to Mary’s plans for Diveyevo. He built a huge church on this land, which was chosen and blessed by the Queen of Heaven. |
As a spiritual father, St. Seraphim was tasked with watching over two communities of sisters. In his intimate dialogues with the Blessed Mother, she told him how to protect this blessed place, Diveyevo, from the Antichrist for the present and the future. She requested that a small embankment be erected around the property. To form it, it was necessary to dig a canal and pile up the accumulated earth. The sisters told him that it would be easier to build a wall. But one evening, one of the sisters saw the Starets digging a trench, and they hurried to do the same, in order to fulfill the Blessed Mother’s desire. At this time, Seraphim was in his hermitage, so this was one of his bilocation moments.
What was Mary’s promise? That she would come every day, on this mound, and that she would bless, until the end of the world, all those present at the monastery, both religious and visitors. (This reminds us of one of the graces of Medjugorje: Mary’s maternal blessing for those who welcome her into their hearts when she appears). She asked that a procession be held every evening along this trench, while carrying the icon of Mary “Joy of all Joys”, and that the 150 Hail Mary’s be prayed (only the 1st part). And so they did!
Since then, many pilgrims have come to the monastery of Diveyevo to receive the blessing of the Queen of Heaven. At present, the monastery has at least 400 sisters, who remain faithful to the evening procession and prayers. The prophecies of the Starets are still coming to fruition. |
What to ask Saint Seraphim in prayer?
To forgive and to work tirelessly for inner peace. “Find inner peace and thousands around you will find salvation.”
“He who walks in peace picks up, as with a spoon, the gifts of grace.”
Constantly invoke the Holy Spirit. “The purpose of the Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.” |
“When I am gone, come to me and tell me everything, just like when I was with you!”
“The Lord Almighty rules the world, and everything that happens in it is accomplished either by the mercy of God or with God’s permission.”
3. The great concerns of the Blessed Mother. Two urgent requests often come up in the Medjugorje messages: first, requests to pray for her children “who do not yet know the love of God”, and second, for the shepherds whom His Son Jesus has chosen, our priests. In this important Jubilee Year, given the threats facing the world, many of us will be keen to offer a great gift to the Lord, a gift that will surely touch His heart. A gift that will allow Him to save many priests. This is a 2-step initiative:
The 1st initiative concerns us. Given that we know that many priests are suffering in Purgatory, we wish to hasten their deliverance. And it is in our power to do this, by having one or more Masses celebrated for them. We can also offer them an hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
The 2nd initiative is theirs: We will not leave these priests, once delivered, without entrusting them with a most important task: They will in turn have to intercede powerfully for those of their brother priests on earth who find themselves in sinful situations, so that they might return to God with a clear conscience and decide to walk on the path of holiness.
This double initiative can bear much healing fruit for our troubled world. We need our priests so much, just as they need us! What mystic has not clearly described the immense spiritual stake that rests on each member of the clergy? “My Immaculate Heart will not triumph without them”, Our Lady tells us. “Do not allow Satan to separate you from your shepherds!”
During this Jubilee Year, let us seize this beautiful work of mercy that is available to us in a special way today! |
- Video: “Help Your Priest!”
4. Welcome to the Jubilee Year!
On December 24th, Pope Francis inaugurated the Jubilee Year by opening the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica. This year’s theme is timely: HOPE!Real divine hope is missing most in so many hearts! Let’s work hard so that despair may not prevail in any child of God!
Let us not forget! One of the good ways to receive all the fruits of this Jubilee Year is to live the indulgences related to it. These are gifts:
– Make a pilgrimage to a shrine where there is a holy door as determined by the diocese. Walk through that door praying with an open heart.
– Live the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession. The great sources of love that enable us to be reconciled with God, with ourselves and with others.
– Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
– Refrain from attachment to any sin, even venial.
– Witness Christian hope through works of mercy and charity.
Let us take the hand of Mary, the Mother of hope! Along with her we want to intercede for the world and proclaim that the Door of hope is wide open for everyone! (See PS2, a recommended prayer for this Jubilee)
8. Don’t miss our videos: |
Dearest Gospa, in these difficult times, we turn our eyes to you. Your smile and tenderness are like a balm on our hearts. You are offering us a foretaste of Heaven. You said of Saint Seraphim, your chosen one: “He is of our race!”. We too want to soak up the splendors of your love and witness to all how powerfully you change our lives!
Sister Emmanuel, Community of the Beatitudes
Translated from French
PS 1. See the exciting account of this dialog between St. Seraphim and Motovilovon the Internet. Read slowly this unique manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
If you are interested in learning more about St. Seraphim, here is a book you can read, “The life and teaching of St. Seraphim of Sarov”:
PS 2. Prayer recommended for the Jubilee Year:
“Heavenly Father, in your son Jesus Christ, our brother, you gave us faith, and through the Holy Spirit, you poured into our hearts the flame of charity. May they awaken in us the blessed hope of the coming of your Kingdom! May your grace transform us, so that we may grow the seeds of the Gospel, which will make humanity, and all creation, grow, confidently waiting for the new heavens and the new earth, when the powers of evil will be defeated, and your glory manifested forever. May the grace of the Jubilee, which makes us Pilgrims of Hope, revive in us the aspiration for heavenly goods and spread over the whole world the joy and peace of our Redeemer. To you, God blessed in eternity, praise and glory for ever and ever! Amen.
PS 3. Follow the Medjugorje evening program from home, from 5pm to 8pm for the winter schedule. It was the Gospa herself who drew up the plan for this evening program! Here is the link: www.medjugorje.hr
Or here: www.centremedjugorje.org
PS 4. Is your home blessed? In January, the Franciscans keep this beautiful tradition of blessing parishioners’ homes. They go from house to house, greet families, recite certain prayers, and sprinkle holy water around the family home. From the beginning of the apparitions, Our Lady recommended the use of holy water and asked that we carry on ourselves blessed objects, small crosses, medals or other Christian objects blessed by a priest. These simple articles are signs of our faith and also a protection against evil and the influences of evil. They are neither good luck charms, nor amulets or talismans. It is important to stress that, because many people are not aware of the danger of harmful superstitions.
One of the formulas for blessing water and salt can be found on our website.
Above all, do not carry any Zodiac signs on you! They are snares! This type of object cannot be blessed by a priest, nor can it provide spiritual or temporal benefit because it is related to pagan practices that displease God (Deut. 18:11).
PS 5. For English speakers, good news!
Some very good news! My new book about the Angels has arrived: ‘Make friends with the Angels’. It’s available on Amazon. CLICK HERE
This Angels book is listed today as the number 1 best seller in the Mariology category on Amazon.
You may buy it also from Ebay, Waterstones, Blackwells and other good bookstores.
This book has not yet been published in other languages. |
Good news for the Spanish speaking!
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PS 6. Follow the Medjugorje evening program at home, from 5pm to 8pm for the winter schedule. The Blessed Virgin herself drew up the plan!
It can be seen at www.medjugorje.hr Or here: www.centremedjugorje.org |
PS 10. “Jesus today”. Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to “Jesus today”.
https://www.mariedenazareth.com/en/our-activities/ |