© Children of Medjugorje 2023
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Medjugorje, January 16, 2023
Dear friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!
1. On December 25, 2022, the visionary, Marija, received the following monthly message:
“Dear children! Today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, that you may be His peace and a reflection of clarity and joy of Heaven. Pray, little children, to be open to receive peace because many hearts are closed to the call of the light which changes hearts. I am with you and am praying for you to open yourselves to receive the King of peace, who fills your hearts with warmth and blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Message given to Jakov Colo during his annual apparition on December 25, 2022:
“Dear Children! Today, as the light of Jesus’ birth shines over the whole world and as I hold Jesus in my arms in a special way, I pray that each heart may become the stable of Bethlehem in which my Son will be born, and that your lives may become the light of his birth. Little children, you live in turmoil and fear. Therefore, little children, on this day of grace, pray to Jesus to strengthen your faith and to become the Sovereign of your lives. For, my children, only with Jesus in your life will you not look at trouble, but pray for Peace and live in Peace. You will not look at fear, but rather at Jesus who frees us from all fear. I am your Mother who watches over you unceasingly, and I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for responding to my call.”
2. The “little remnant”. In 42 years of apparitions, Mary did not create a new religious order, a congregation, or even a new spiritual trend. No, she simply transmitted the Gospel to the world with a mother’s heart, mother’s words, and a mother’s perseverance in spite of all the obstacles she came up against. Her goal was, and is, to form “apostles of her love”, those who let themselves be guided by her, and her school is open to all, young and old.
During my many missions, I have had the joy of meeting wonderful people who have the courage to resist the prevailing apostasy and to live the simplicity of the Gospel, against the current of what the world professes today. In every country, in every city, I have been struck by the magnificent work of Our Lady in prayer groups, in small homes of fervor and in families committed body and soul to their faith. I also see in them those apostles of whom St. Louis de Montfort spoke, totally surrendered to Mary in order to be able to identify with Jesus. They are the future of the Church, and even if they are few in number – even despised – their confidence in a better future is unshakeable. They are preparing in secret the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the New Pentecost of love, they form that “little remnant” which, in spite of its poverty and thanks to its poverty, attracts the Holy Spirit in this world which has chosen death.
An unshakeable woman! During the Passion of Jesus, Mary stood firm, believed, hoped and offered everything to the Father with love, in the midst of great suffering. This is why she was given the task of understanding and accompanying the apostles, who were often undermined by those around them. Like a beacon of consolation and peace, she shines in the midst of the storm that is increasingly shaking the Church of Christ.
To be an apostle, it is not necessary to do great things, rather “do small things with great love,” as advocated by Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St Therese of Lisieux. Being with Jesus: that is what counts. His presence alone is a guarantee of unity and fruitfulness. The whole history of the Church shows us that God looks at what, in the eyes of the world, does not count. Our Lady teaches us that we are all important. So, what does it matter if we are insignificant in the eyes of men? We are not insignificant in the eyes of God. Let us rejoice!
3. Joseph Ratzinger’s prophetic words! In the wake of Benedict XVI’s departure to the Father, let us recall his vision of a brilliant ecclesiology, a view of the Church well rooted in the Bible and its tradition. How could he not suffer from the apostasy of the so-called Christian countries? In 1969 when he was just Professor Ratzinger, he saw the Church in crisis. Even at that time it was being persecuted, “deprived of its privileges, almost catacomb-like but holy, a Church formed by those who seek not to please the world but the Church of the faithful to God and to the eternal Law. All will seem lost, but at the right moment, precisely in the most dramatic phase of the crisis, the Church will be reborn.”
Yes, there will come a time when “all will seem lost,” for the Church follows the Master even in His dereliction! The Venerable French mystic Marthe Robin said the same thing. When Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane by the traitor, He said: “This is your hour and the reign of darkness.” But He was 3 days away from his resurrection! Darkness always has an expiration date. So, like her Master, the Church is approaching her resurrection. She will follow her Master in His Resurrection as she follows Him now in His agony! (PS1)
Yes, the Church will be reborn, for the gates of Hades cannot prevail against her. She will then be holier. According to Benedict XVI, “The rebirth will be the work of a small remnant, apparently insignificant but indomitable, which has gone through a process of purification. Because this is how God works. Against evil, a small flock resist.”
This is how the Church will be able to enter this new time announced by Our Lady in her messages, “a time of peace, a time of spring” for which she has been preparing us for 42 years. When the secrets entrusted to the six visionaries are realized, it will be the end of Satan’s power.
4. A subtle enemy. Benedict XVI’s pastoral concern was to bring people living today, to Christ, to join the surrounding culture with Christian culture. His catechesis is timeless because they expose to us truths of faith that do not change.
He had the courage to denounce the subtle enemy of Christ and His Church: relativism. He never stopped fighting against this scourge that denies the reality of Christian Baptism and sows confusion. “When the Church opposes the sins of this age, when it denounces the destruction of marriage, the destruction of the family, etc., then it is immediately opposed to a Jesus who would have been not only merciful but also always understanding… To be a Christian must not cost anything… Christ went up on the cross: a Jesus ready to tolerate everything would not have been crucified.”
5. A miracle of Benedict XVI? I invite you to read on social networks the moving testimony of Pierre Srsich, a 17-year-old young man, suffering from stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and a large cancerous tumor on his lungs. Each new round of chemo made him more depressed. But he was able to take advantage of a providential offer through the Make-a-Wish Foundation (USA), which helps children with life-threatening illnesses realize their dreams. Peter had a dream: to go to Rome and meet Benedict XVI. Sure enough, he did so in May 2012 with his family. But little did he know he would receive the blessing of his life! Without knowing anything about what this young man was suffering from, the Pope laid his hand on his chest, right where the tumor was and he blessed him. A blessing is usually done by laying hands on the head! The medical examinations that followed this encounter showed that Peter was cured. He entered the seminary and nine years later he was ordained a priest.
Peter is not the only priest to have an amazing story, where suffering and heavenly consolation are mixed together! Looking death in the face transforms the heart. Let us give thanks to God for Peter, let us also pray for him and for all priests, that they may radiate the Light of Christ in this world of great spiritual darkness. We need them so much!
6. Have you received your saint of the year? It’s not too late to pick a saint from the list we published in December: https://sremmanuel.org/pearls/choose-a-saint-for-2023-2/
You need the saint’s faithful assistance, take the gift! In Medjugorje, our house received the Child Jesus, King of Love as a special protector. Joy of joys! I will keep you informed of what He has in store for us, and I invite you to pray to Him with us. Let us not forget this word of the Venerable Marguerite of the Blessed Sacrament, Carmelite of Beaune (France): “Prayers offered by the merits of the infancy of Jesus are always answered.” (PS2)
7. Our videos on YouTube:
8. Our next live broadcast in French will be on January 26th at 9pm.
The Dicember 26th commentary was broadcast here:
9. Do not miss this new feature! There is now an audio version of my monthly reports. May the visually impaired and all those who prefer to listen rather than read rejoice! It can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKTewyLLfsM
10. SPOTIFY! A very practical and brand new tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
New online catechesis, audio version (it is not necessary to have Spotify).
Dearest Gospa, thank you for your faithfulness in accompanying us in our hardships! Again today, we take your reassuring hand in order to live with you day after day, trusting blindly in your motherly blessing!
Sister Emmanuel + (Community of the Beatitudes)
Translated from French
PS1. Cardinal Sarah writes in his latest book: “Following Jesus, the Church lives the mystery of the scourging. His body is lacerated… We live the mystery of iniquity, the mystery of betrayal, the mystery of Judas…” (Excerpt from the book “The Day is Now Far Spent”), available online:
PS2. Prayer of Benedict XVI to the Child Jesus. “Lord Jesus, we see you as a child and believe that you are the Son of God, made man by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary. As in Bethlehem, we, along with Mary, Joseph, the angels and the shepherds, adore you and recognize you as our unique Savior. You have been made poor to make us happy with your poverty: we must not be afraid of the poor and of all the people who suffer. Protect our families, bless all the children of the world and make them always share in the love that you have brought to us and that makes life more beautiful. Give everyone, O Jesus, to recognize the truth of your Nativity so that all may know that you have come to bring the entire human family light, joy and peace. You are God, and you live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.”
PS3. The Medjugorje of 1993! My friend Laurence Chartier is offering us this short film made for TV in France. It shows how Medjugorje used to look! Images that will never come back! https://youtu.be/eCmjuTqbty4
PS4. Good Counselling? Have you or someone you know been thinking that you may benefit from seeing a counsellor/ therapist? Life can be difficult at times, and so talking things through with a professional can really help. A lady who spent nearly 2 years with me in Medjugorje, and who fully embraced Our Lady’s school, is a qualified therapist. If you would like to speak to her about any issues that are happening in your life, safe in the knowledge that you can bring your faith into the therapy, then please send an email to ann-mariecounsellor@outlook.com to book a free consultation.
Counselling is offered online via Zoom.
PS5. Youth Festival 2023. PLEASE NOTE! Change of dates for 2023! It will not be at the beginning of August but from July 26th to 30th, to enable participation in the WYD to be held in Lisbon in August.
PS6. Did you know that the first 7 days of the Apparitions in Medjugorje have been authenticated by the Church. The book, ‘Medjugorje, the first seven days’ details the interviews with the visionaries and the investigations made which the Vatican considered when deciding whether the apparitions should be authenticated. https://www.amazon.com/Medjugorje-first-seven-Darko-Pavicic-ebook/dp/B0B7BW26YH
PS7. Great News! Some of my books are now available in Romanian, Croatian, Slovak and Polish. They can be purchased at the links below:
- “Lupta Spirituala: Cale rapida de unire cu Dumnezeu”
Romanian edition of “Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God by Sister Emmanuel” by Sora Emmanuel Maillard
- Ruženec: “Cesta, ktorá ti zmení život”
Slovak edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard
- “Krunica: Putovanje Koje Ti Mijenja Život”
Croatian edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard
- “Różaniec: Podróż, która zmieni twoje życie”
Polish edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Siostra Emmanuel Maillard
PS8. See “The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory, with Sr. Emmanuel
Available from Amazon Worldwide
PS9. “Jesus today”. Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to “Jesus today”.
PS10. You can purchase these books from whichever continent you live on.
You can buy the paperback or e-book at the following links:
The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life: Click HERE
NEW! Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God: Click HERE
PS11. Do you want to live the school of Our lady at Home? Get all our material from our website:
Her videos are at the link below:
Videos of litanies that help to win over Evil:
PS12. Check out our YouTube presentations and our videos categorized by topics:
PS13. Our Lady is hoping to hear from you! Give joy to her heart, write to her your gratitude and your needs at “Queen of Peace”, BP 2157, F-06103 Nice Cedex, France. Your letter will be given to a visionary, and Mary will answer you in prayer.
PS14. Good news for italian speakers!!!
PS15. To receive the “Monthly reports from Medjugorje” by Sr. Emmanuel
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